Saturday, November 30, 2013


This is Rocky.  He doesn't do much, kinda just sits there.  But he's happy with life as long as someone is willing to roll him down a hill every once in a while.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Christmas monster

The only thing this guy wants in his stocking is an actual lump of coal.  Merry Christmas! Grrrr!

get this guy on  a t-shirt at

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Melty man

This guys face is melting.  I don't know why, maybe he got too close to the sun.  And you thought you  were having a bad day.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Hamburger monster

If I owned a restaurant, this is what the burgers would look like.  Then if you ordered one you could tell what kind of person you were depending on whether you felt victorious or guilty after taking a bite.

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Monday, November 25, 2013

Chubby Monster Baby

Isn't she cute!  She hasn't even gotten her claws yet.  Her favorite food is mashed worms with pickle relish.  Her first word was "Arrrgh", and her favorite activity is playing with her bellybutton.  Won't you please give her a name?

Get this girl on a t-shirt at

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Friday, November 22, 2013

Sexy Alien

Sexy Aliens: yeah, we exist.
You can order this on a t-shirt at

Angry Cupcake

Pink frosting?  Really?

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One-footed Frankenpunk

Today we have the rare opportunity to view the elusive One-footed Frankenpunk.  This marvelous creature exists in many different habitats, including but not limited to: inner cities, skate parks, coffee shops, concert venues, and even suburbia.  They tend to travel in herds, and when provoked, let out an ear piercing screech that can be heard from miles away. 

Get this guy on a t-shirt at

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Ghost Bunny

This is Ghost Bunny.  I'm not sure how he died.  Perhaps he invaded some angry farmer's lettuce patch.

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Wednesday, November 20, 2013


This is Hairy.  He was raised on the road following the Grateful Dead with his parents.  His first toy was a stick.  He likes raw meat and anything with horseradish.  He works as a Carnie, and hopes to one day open his own traveling freak show.


This is Nygil the nerd monster.  His favorite food is head cheese, he likes Carl Sagan and only listens to classical music.  He is allergic to showers and anything that starts with the letter J.  He hopes to one day make enough money at his programming job to be able to afford a ticket on Richard Branson's space ship.

Get this guy on a t-shirt at